Venue: Plevsis Hall, Old Port
Limassol, Cyprus
26 september 2024


New era of leadership


Welcome to TEDxMolos Women

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created TEDx, a program of local, non-profit, voluntarily organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience.

TEDxMolos Women is an annual TED-licensed event that celebrates the dynamic spirit of the Limassol community.

As global dynamics evolve, we are witnessing a lot of transformation led by women. They bring fresh perspectives and innovative leadership across all sectors. Their soft power helps bringing positive change and fostering collaboration. Thanks to them, we are building a more compassionate local and global community.

Join TEDxMolos Women 2024!

What to expect

Women play a crucial role in driving today’s changes, harnessing their unique soft power to bring people together and inspire extraordinary results.

The theme “Soft Power: New Era of Leadership” emphasizes the tremendous impact of subtle influence, empathy, and collaboration. Our speakers, local women from diverse fields, are at the forefront of this movement, leading change and fostering our society.


  • 18:30 Registration, photoshooting and networking.
  • 19:00 Welcome words by the organizers.
  • 19:10 Three TEDx talks.
  • 20:10 Wine Break & Music.
  • 20:30 Three TEDx talks.
  • 21:30-22:00  Networking, with drinks and finger food.


You will enjoy:

  • Amazing TED-style talks from diverse, passionate speakers
  • Live music performance to stir your soul
  • Networking opportunities with like-minded individuals
  • Complimentary drinks & finger food
  • A truly community-driven atmosphere
  • And a chance to snap a photo with our iconic TEDxMolos Women 3D logo

Philippos Aristotelous

Award-winning lawyer, business consultant, author

Dr. Marianna Prokopi-Demetriades

Biotech innovator, Clinical Associate Professor in Research Oncology

Nataliia Miranchuk

Maternal support visionary, AI innovation trailblazer

Stylianos Lambrou

Heart-centred entrepreneur, impact-driven investor and a community builder

Sofia Popovidou

Digital well-being proponent and interpreter of user psychology in social media

Andria Michael

Singer, musician,
sound designer

Louiza Nikolaou

Singer, avid traveler,
nature lover

Gala Grigoreva

Curator and Emcee
of TEDxMolos

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with our series of inspiring talks. Engage with thought leaders and visionaries as they share profound insights and personal anecdotes that will spark the flame of inspiration within you. From conquering adversity to unlocking your full potential, these talks are curated to uplift, motivate, and guide you towards a path of purpose and fulfillment.

Get Involved

We rely on the enthusiasm of on-site volunteers who play a crucial role in providing additional support throughout the event, while joining our team means committing to a minimum one-year volunteering tenure, contributing as much as you can. Depending on your background and interests, there’s likely a team that aligns best with your skills: Speakers, Production, Communication, and Partnerships. We invite anyone interested to join our team or volunteer community!

Sponsors & media Partners

Partners and Sponsors play an essential and seamlessly integrated role within TEDxMolos. Through your generous financial, informational and in-kind support, our non-profit event can sustain its commitment to realizing the mission of spreading Ideas worth sharing within the Limassol community. 


Follow us on social media for speaker announcements, event updates, and exclusive behind-the-scenes content. 

Maro Manoli

Communications Manager

Gala Grigoreva

Curator, Visioner

David Kivakude

Program Manager